Flatware Patterns
Alphabetical By Name
C - Campbell-Metcalf Silver Co.
C - Century Sterling
C - Chicago Silver Co.
C - Coles & Reynolds
C - Albert Coles
C - Concord Silversmiths
C - Contempora House
C - H.H. Curtis Co.
G - Wm. Gale & Sons
G - Michael Gibney
G - W.H. Glenny & Co.
G - Gorham - A to C
G - Gorham - D to H
G - Gorham - H Series
G - Gorham - I to O
G - Gorham - P to Z
G - Gorham - Numbered Patterns
G - Graff, Washbourne & Dunn
G - Gustafson Craft
M - Maltby, Stevens & Curtiss Co.
M - Manchester Silver Co.
M - Mauser Mfg. Co.
M - Jos. Mayer & Bros.
M - Meriden Britannia Co.
M - H.R. Morss & Co.
M - Mount Vernon Co.
R - Raimond Silver Mfg. Co.
R - Reed & Barton - A to H
R - Reed & Barton - I to Z
R - Rogers / (Anchor) Rogers
R - Royal Crest
S - Saart Bros. Co.
S - Schofield Co.
S - Schulz & Fischer
S - Joseph Seymour Mfg. Co.
S - Geo. W. Shiebler & Co.
S - Shreve & Co.
S - Simmons & Paye
S - Simons Bros.
S - Frank W. Smith Silver Co.
S - State House
S - Sterling Silver Mfg. Co. / SSMC
T - Tiffany & Co.
T - Towle - A to L
T - Towle - M to Z
T - A.F. Towle & Son Co.
T - Tradition Sterling
T - Tuttle Silversmiths
W - Wallace Silversmiths - A to K
W - Wallace Silversmiths - L to W
W - Wallace - Numbered Patterns
W - Vera Wang
W - Watrous Mfg. Co.
W - The Watson Co. - A to F
W - The Watson Co. - G to Z
W - Web Silver Co.
W - Webster Co.
W - Weidlich Sterling
W - Wendell Mfg. Co.
W - John R. Wendt & Co.
W - John L. Westervelt
W - Westmorland Sterling
W - Whiting Mfg. Co.
W - Frank M. Whiting Co.
W - Wilcox & Evertsen
W - Roger Williams Silver Co.
W - Wood & Hughes
W - A. & W. Wood
W - Web Silver Co.