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Silverplate Marks
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Baltimore Assay Marks
Sterling, Coin Silver, Silverplate, and White Metal
Silverplate Patterns
Alphabetical By Name
A - Adams Mfg. Co.
A - Aladdin Silver Plate
A - Alaska Silverware
A - Alpha Silver Plate
A - Alvin Mfg. Co.
A - American Silver Co.
A - American Silver Plate Co.
A - American Sterling Co.
A - Andover Silver Plate
A - Argyle Silver Plate
A - Arion Silver Plate
A - Arnbe
A - Arrow Silver Plate
A - Associated Silver Co.
A - Aurora Silver Plate Co.
A - Avon Plate
A - Avon Silver Plate
B - B. & Son
B - F.S. Balster
B - Bayonne Knife Co.
B - C.B. Barker Mfg. Co. / Barker Silver Co.
B - Baroness Silver Plate
B - BB Silver Plate
B - Beacon Silver Plate
B - 1840 W.B. Belknap
B - Benedict Mfg. Co.
B - Berkshire Silver Co.
B - Blackstone Silver Co.
B - E.A. Bliss Co.
B - L. Boardman & Son
B - Bonn
B - Bouquet Silver Plate
B - Branford Silver Plate
B - Bride Silver Plate
B - Bridgeport Silver Co.
B - Bristol Brass & Clock Co.
B - Bristol Plate Co.
B - Brooklawn Plate
B - Brown & Bros.
B - Wm. A. Brown
B - B.S. Co.
B - Butler Silver
B - 1897 Butler Bros.
C - C. Guild
C - Cambridge Silver Plate
C - Camden Silver Plate
C - Camelia Silver Plate
C - Capitol Plate
C - Carillon Plate
C - Carlton Silver Plate
C - Castle Silver Plate
C - Cereta
C - Clark Bros. Cutlery Co.
C - J.A. Clark
C - Clinton Silver Plate
C - Columbine Silver Plate
C - Connecticut Silver Co.
C - Continental Mfg. Co.
C - R.A. Coon Silver Mfg. Co.
C - Court Silver Plate
C - Cranford Silver Plate
C - Cream of Rye Silver Co.
C - Crescent Silver Plate
C - Cromwell Silver Plate
C - Crosby Silverplate
C - Crown Plate Co.
C - Crown Silver Co.
C - Crusader Silver Plate
C - Cunningham Silver Plate
C - Curtin & Clark Hardware Co.
D - Debonair Silver Plate
D - Deerfield Silver Plate
D - Deluxe Plate
D - Derby Silver Co.
D - Diamond Edge
D - Diamond Plate
D - Diamond Silver Co.
D - Dirilyte / Dirigold
D - Dohrco
D - Doric Plate
D - J.P. Dowell Co.
D - Durham Silver Plate
D - J. Durley & Brother
D - Duro Plate
E - Eastern Silver Co.
E - Electric Silver Co.
E - Elgin American Mfg. Co.
E - Elmo Pure Silver Plate
E - Elmwood Plate
E - Embassy Silver Plate
E - Empire Plate
E - Empire Silver Co.
E - Everts
E - Monroe Ewing
E - Extra Coin Silver Plate
E - Extra Plate / Oneida Extra Plate
F - Fairfield Plate
F - Fashion Silver Plate
F - Fenway Silver Plate
F - Festive Silver Plate
F - Forbes Silver Co.
F - Fortune Silver Plate
F - Franklin Silver Plate
G - Gailstyn Silver Plate
G - Gee-Esco / Glastonbury
G - Genesee Silver Plate
G - C.C. Gere
G - Gerity Products
G - Giles Bros. & Co.
G - W.H. Glenny, Sons & Co.
G - Godinger Silver Art Co.
G - Gorham Mfg. Co.
G - Grace Silver Plate
G - Graham Mfg. Co.
G - Grosvenor Plate
H - 20 Yrs.
H - Haddon Plate
H - Hall & Co.
H - Hall, Elton & Co.
H - Hallmark Plate
H - Hamilton & Diesinger
H - Hamilton Mfg. Co.
H - Hamilton Silver Co.
H - Hampshire Co.
H - Hardy & Hayes
H - Harmony House
H - Lucius Hart Mfg. Co.
H - Hartford Silver Plate Co.
H - Fred Harvey
H - Haynes Stellite Co.
H - H.B. Co. Silverplate
H - Aug. Heinricks
H - Helene Silver Plate
H - Heritage Plate
H - Hiawatha Silver Plate
H - Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.
H - Herman Hiss & Co.
H - Hollinger
H - Hollyhock Silver Plate
H - Hollywood Silver Plate
H - Holmes, Booth & Haydens
H - Holmes & Edwards
H - Holmes & Tuttle
H - Home Silver Plate
H - Homecrest Silver Plate
H - Honor Plate
H - Hope Chest
H - Hopewell Plate
H - H.J. Howe
H - S.W. Howell
H - Huey & Philip Master Plate
H - J.C. Humes
I - Illinois Silver Co.
I - Imperial Silver Co.
I - Independence
I - International Silver
I - Ives Mfg. Co.
J - J.B. Sectional
J - Jenkins & Hatch
J - 1890 Jennings Bros.
J - Owen Jones
K - Kann & Sons Mfg. Co.
K - Kensico
K - Kensington Silver Plate
K - Kirby's Silver Plate
K - Kirk-Stieff Co.
K - Knickerbocker Plate
L - Lady Beautiful Silver Plate
L - Lady Betty Silverplate
L - Lady Doris Silverplate
L - Lady Esther Silver Plate
L - Lady Jane Silver Plate
L - Lakeside Brand
L - Lancaster Silver Plate
L - Landers, Frary & Clark
L - Lashar Silver
L - Ralph Lauren
L - Lenox Silver Plate
L - Lesco Silver Co.
L - Linton Silver Plate
L - Jos. Linz & Bros.
L - Liquid Carbonic Corp.
L - Lunt Silversmiths
L - Lynbrook Silver Plate
L - Lynnwood Silver Plate
L - Lyons Bros 1872 .
M - M Silver Co.
M - Madison Silver Plate
M - Madrid Silver Plate
M - Malabar Plate
M - Manor Plate
M - Marathon Silver Plate
M - Marion Silver Plate
M - Marks & Krank
M - Master Silver Plate
M - Maywood Silver Plate
M - J.F. McCoy
M - Mead & Robbins
M - F. Melluish
M - Melody Silver Plate
M - Melrose Silver Co.
M - Meriden Britannia Co.
M - Meriden Cutlery Co.
M - Meriden Silver Co.
M - Metropolitan / Metro Silver Plate
M - Milford Silver Co.
M - Mildred Quality
M - Moderne Sectional
M - L.P. Mogle
M - Monarch Plate
M - Monarch Silver Co.
M - Monroe Silver Co.
M - Morgan Silver Co.
N - National Silver Co.
N - New England Silver Co.
N - New England Silver Plate
N - New Haven Silver Plate
N - Newport Silver Plate
N - Niagara Falls Co. / 1877 N.F. Co.
N - Niagara Silver Plate Co.
N - Nobility Plate
N - Normandy
N - NFC Co.
N - Nursery Silver Plate
O - Old Company Plate
O - Oneida
O - Onondaga Silver Mfg. Co.
O - Ontario Silver Co.
O - Oxford Silver Plate
P - Pairpoint Mfg. Co.
P - Palace Brand
P - Panama Silver
P - Pancoast Morgan Co.
P - Par Plate / Oneida Par Plate
P - Paragon Silver Plate
P - Paramount Plate
P - Charles Parker Co.
P - Parkway Silver Plate
P - Palmer Paul Co.
P - Peerless Silver Plate
P - Pelham Silver Plate
P - J.C. Penney Co.
P - Albert Pick & Co.
P - Pilgrim Silver Co.
P - Plaza Silver Plate
P - Plymouth Silver Plate
P - Prestige Plate
P - Pure Silver Plate
P - Puritan Silver Co.
P - Purity Silver Plate
Q - Quaker Valley Mfg. Co.
Q - Queen Esther Silver Plate
R - Racebrook Silver Plate
R - Racine Silver Plate Co.
R - Randall, Hall & Co.
R - R.&B.
R - R.B. & Co.
R - R.C. Co. / Rogers Cutlery Co.
R - Redfield & Rice Mfg. Co.
R - Reed & Barton
R - Regal Pure Silver Plate
R - R. Reincke
R - Reliance Plate
R - Reliance Mfg. Co.
R - Revelation Silver Plate
R - Rex Plate
R - Rochester
R - Rockford Silver Plate Co.
R - G. Rodgers
R - 1847 Rogers Bros.
R - 1881 Rogers
R - Rogers / (Anchor) Rogers
R - Rogers & Brittin Silver Co.
R - Rogers & Bro.
R - Rogers & Hamilton
R - Rogers, Smith & Co.
R - Rogers & Wood
R - C. Rogers & Bros.
R - J. Rogers & Co.
R - S.L. & G.H. Rogers
R - W.F. Rogers
R - Wm. Rogers / & Son / Mfg. Co.
R - Wm. H. Rogers / W.H. Rogers
R - Wm. A. Rogers
R - Rosebud Silver Plate
R - Royal Manufacturing Co.
R - Royal Plate Co.
R - Royal Saxony Silver Plate
R - Royal Silver
R - R.S. Mfg. Co.
R - 1834 J. Russell & Co.
S - Salem Silver Plate
S - Clark Sawyer
S - Sears, Roebuck & Co.
S - 1865 H. Sears & Son
S - S.E.B.
S - Security Silver Plate
S - Selkirk
S - Senate Silver Plate
S - Service Plate
S - Sharon Plate / Sharon Silverplate
S - Sheffield Plate / Sheffield A1 Plate
S - Sheffield Plate Co.
S - Shelton Silver Plate
S - Sherwood Pure Silver Plate
S - Silver Belle Silver Plate
S - Silver Metal Mfg. Co.
S - Silverfild
S - Simmons Hardware Co.
S - E.C. Simmons
S - Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co.
S - Sincerity Silver Plate
S - E.H.H. Smith Silver Co.
S - Frank W. Smith
S - U.C. Smith Co.
S - Society Deluxe
S - Solid Yukon Silver
S - Standard Silver Co.
S - Standard Silver Ware Co.
S - Star Brand
S - Steel Silver Plate Co.
S - Stegor
S - Sterling Plate B
S - Sterling Silver Plate Co.
S - Stratford Silver Co.
S - R. Strickland & Co.
S - Superior Silver Plate
S - Supreme Silver Plate
T - Tappin's Troy
T - Taunton Silver Plate Co.
T - Tiffany & Co.
T - Toronto Silver Plate Co.
T - Townley's Reinforced Plate
T - Towle Mfg. Co.
T - A.F. Towle & Son
T - Tradition
T - Tudor Plate
T - James W. Tufts
U - Union Silver Co.
U - Unity Silver Plate
U - Universal
U - U.S. Silver Co.
V - Valencia Silver Plate
V - Vautrot & Myers
V - Vernon Silver Plate
V - Viceroy Silver Co.
V - Victor Silver Co.
V - Vogue Silver Plate
W - Wallace Silversmiths
W - Wallco Sectional
W - Wallingford Co.
W - Montgomery Ward & Co.
W - Warner Silver Mfg. Co.
W - Waterbury Silver Co.
W - W.B. 1900
W - Wearever Plate
W - E.G. Webster & Bro. / & Son
W - E.M. Weinberg & Co.
W - 1865 Welch Atkins
W - Whitby Silver Plate
W - Whiting Mfg. Co.
W - Wilcox Silver Plate
W - Williams Bros.
W - Wilshire Silver Plate
W - J.L. Wilson 1860
W - Winfield Silver Plate
W - Winthrop Silver Plate
W - J. Wiss & Sons
W - Wood Rose Silverplate
W - W.R. Keystone
W - W.S. Mfg. Co.
Y - Yukon Silver
Baltimore Assay Marks
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L - Lady Beautiful Silver Plate
Martinique – 1935
Backstamps: BB Silver Plate / Lady Beautiful / Monarch Plate / National Silver Co.