Silversmiths Directory & Sterling Marks

Alphabetical by Name

Johnston to Justis

Johnston & Boullt

Hagerstown, MD 1846-1851
William Johnston and Thomas A. Boullt, watchmakers, clockmakers and jewelers.

Johnston & Crowley

Philadelphia, PA c. 1828-1833
Robert Johnston and C. Crowley.

Arthur Johnston (1780-1846)

Hagerstown, MD  Late 1790s-1846

Edmund J. Johnston (b.c. 1820)

Macon, GA  1845-c. 1878
Was in the partnership of W.B. Johnston & Brother with his brother William B. Johnston 1845-1850 and E.J. Johnston & Co. with George S. Obear 1853-1868.

George C. Johnston

Frederick, MD  1852-1863

J.H. Johnston & Co.

New York, NY c. 1889-1897
Makers of sterling novelties, souvenir spoons and jewelry.

Robert Johnston (Johnson) (b.c. 1795)

Philadelphia, PA  c. 1823-1862

Johonnot & Smith

Windsor, VT c. 1815
William B. Johonnot and Richard Ransom Smith.

William Johonnot (b. 1779 d. 1838)

Windsor, VT c. 1806-c. 1820
In the partnership of William & William Johonnot with
William B. Johonnot c. 1806.

Jones, Ball & Co.

Boston, MA  1852-1855
Successor to Jones, Ball & Poor. Precursor to
Shreve, Crump & Low.

Jones, Ball & Poor

Boston, MA  1846-1852
Founded by George B. Jones, True M. Ball and Nathaniel C. Poor.
Became Jones, Ball & Co. in 1852.

Jones & Hutton

Wilmington, DE  c. 1843
Philip Jones and Samuel Hutton.

Jones, Lows & Ball

Boston, MA  1835-1841
Partnership of John Belknap Jones, Frances Low, John J. Low,
and Samuel Ball.

Jones, Shreve, Brown & Co.

Boston, MA 1855-1858
Precursor to Shreve, Brown & Co.

Albert Jones

Springfield, MA 1817-1821 and Greenfield, MA c. 1825-1838
In partnership with Elisha Munn, Jr. in the business of Munn & Jones 1827-1828.

Elisha Jones

New York, NY  c. 1825-1829
In the firm of Boyce & Jones with Gerardus Boyce 1825-1829.

John Belknap Jones / J.B. Jones & Co.

Boston, MA  1813-1834
A partner in the firms of:
Baldwin & Jones with Jabez Baldwin 1813-1819.
John B. Jones & Co. with Samuel S. Ball 1833-1834.

Prince H. Jones (b. 1816)

St. Louis, MO 1842-c. 1864
Was in the partnerships of Jones & Wilson with Alfred Wilson
c. 1842 and later Benj. F. Crane & Co. c. 1858-1861.

William Jones (1694-1730)

Boston, MA 1715-c. 1720 and Marblehead, MA c. 1720-1730

William P. Jones (b. 1827)

Newburyport, MA 1847-1903
Partnered with Anthony Towle (who would go on to form A.F. Towle & Son) in the firm of Towle & Jones 1857-1870.  Edward Towle joined and the name was changed to Towle Jones & Co. 1870-1873.  The lower mark is from a spoon made by Towle Silversmiths and designed by Jones.

Rix Jordan (1791-1857)

Richmond, VA 1812-1840; Essex County, VA 1840-1841;
and Hampton, VA 1850-1857
Silversmith and watchmaker.

Joseph G. Joseph (b. 1812)

Cincinnati, OH  1834-1844


Minneapolis, MN 1897-Present also in Owatonna, MN 1943-1977
Manufacturing jewelers; makers of military insignia, class rings, and yearbooks.

Peter Joubert

Philadelphia, PA  1806-1830

Hiram Judson (1792-1869)

Syracuse, NY  1824-1854

Juergens & Andersen

Chicago, IL 1857-1990+
Successor to Juergens & Son. Founded by silversmith Frederick Juergens, his son Paul Jurgens, and jeweler Sebastian Andersen. Produced quality silver goods until 1871 when they became manufacturing jewelers.  Juergens & Anderson continues today as Add-A-Pearl.

Justis & Armiger

Baltimore, MD 1878-1892
John C. C. Justis and James R. Armiger. Successor to Justis & Co.

A.R. Justice Co.

Philadelphia, PA 1881-1936

Swen (Swan) Justis (Justice) (b.c. 1895)

Richmond, VA  1810-1830