Silversmiths Directory & Sterling Marks

Alphabetical by Name

Zahm to Zweig

Zahm & Jackson

Lancaster, PA  1845-1871
Michael Zahm and John W. Jackson.

Godfried M. Zahm

Columbia, PA 1838 and Lancaster, PA 1838-1862

Jesse Shenton Zane (1773-1852)

Wilmington, DE  1794-1813

Charles H. Zimmerman

New Orleans, LA 1866-1875
Silversmith, jeweler, and importer.

Marie Zimmermann

New York, NY 1915-Late 1930’s Acclaimed silver and metalsmith.
Received the Logan prize from The Art Institute of Chicago in 1924.

Fred Zweig

Tucson, AZ c. 1978-Present
Silver and metalsmith and modernist studio jeweler.